People’s Choice

Let’s get started. Have you taken the MEGAvoter survey (link)? (if not, please do)

Your Voice is required. Voting matters. Putting “like-minds” together requires opinions or feelings being shared. Sharing a common goal in mind. Common interests as well. For now, erase everything but a single thought, a single outcome. World peace, can we meet and talk about how to accomplish this? Join a local LAUGH event supporting Détente 2.0.

If laughter is good medicine. You alone must decide whether to “laugh or cry” when things are devastating? Choose laughter. You’ll feel better, I promise. Disasters happen to all of us.

So, before we get down to “easing tensions” (Détente), let’s share a “laugh exercise” together and sing “Let there be peace on earth”. We can get a great deal accomplished with this approach. Weekly LAUGH events become viral grassroots moments. Patron flash mobs spread the word. Embrace Détente 2.0 @Peace event every August.

Social Engagement Enabled

Social and mainstream media have destroyed any sense of independent thought. Certainly, a herd mentality exists, each individual appears with a bull (change) or sheep (accept) mindset. Common sense seems to be overrun by our emotions at times, using logic until feelings are involved. Truth now becomes a matter of opinion or perspective.

Truthfully, we are spoon-fed our realities through our own individual social and mainstream media engagements. Social algorithms at work effectively. Connected. Pawns of smartphone progress. How do you get the facts without actually being there? We trust social or mainstream media reports that can now be manipulated by AI (artificial intelligence). Reality and lifestyle seem to go hand-in-hand.

AI (artificial intelligence) has made it almost impossible to discern fact from fiction. Choosing any AI platform determines transactional outcomes. Each AI platform having proprietary algorithms and processes for bringing different or similar results. Harnessing this AI titan requires keen human insight. Stop gaps and poison pills become necessary to ensure human development remains foremost. This becoming a “man versus machine challenge”, whereby man must “always win” approach must be taken and developed by individual consensus.

NIL (name, image, likeness) becomes an individual power tool used to develop this AI infused foundation for Détente 2.0. Patronage becomes sacrosanct. Meritocracy enabled through cooperative benefits being allocated through this Peace Pentagon of planning, budget, media, distribution, and membership sectors. So, let’s meet our ceremonial leaders of Jimmy Kimmel, Steven Colbert, Seth Meyers, Jimmy Fallon, and John Oliver for our Peace Pentagon beta-test. Our de facto, or illustrious, Jon Stewart/Oprah Winfrey, 2024 nominating committee.

Strike Force Five nominates Jon Stewart/Oprah Winfrey Presidential Ticket, 2024. Vote and earn SIR (social influencer rewards) taking voting rights center stage. Poll takers influencing MEGAvoter registration by encouraging others to join a “group hug party”. Putting “like minds” together through completing MEGAvoter survey. Presto! Political capital formation in progress. LAUGH events make these things possible.

LAUGH Out Loud

Let’s enjoy an exercise that groups people based upon their political viewpoints. Putting “like-minds” together and creating a single “popular vote” system. No longer having worry about current polling methods taken from random sampling. Make every voice count. Create the first honest “national poll” that takes the opinions of every voter into account. LAUGH out loud at the results of MEGAvoter registrations putting Jon Stewart as their choice for President, 2024.

Likely, not one of 538 electors in the Electoral College will support Stewart/Winfrey ticket this year (2024). Popular vote has never determined Presidential elections anyway. A “straw poll”, however, can provide for tens of thousands, even millions, of voters supporting a Jon/Winfrey, 2024 campaign. Funding our 2024 Détente 2.0 Presidential campaign through a 7% cash back incentive. So, why is Jon Stewart, 2024 being endorsed by our Strike Force Five campaign committee?

Détente 2.0 ideals require abandoning corporate or mainstream media like Apple TV or Fox News. Jon Stewart passed this test. Political capital is now built upon an “Orange Jesus” (Donald J. Trump) perspective made simple to understand. @Practice FAITH personified. Being fair, accepting, insightful, transparent, and humble, how does “Orange Jesus” rate for you? Any, or all of these traits, you want from a leader covered? YAM’ers think and believe not. We @PracticeFAITH as @NamasteChristians.

Now “free and fair” MEGAvoter elections fall under a single roof or voting rights platform. Social capital becomes a “popular vote” on Crowdsignal. Consumer spending gains voting power, not power from our electoral college. So, can Stewart/Winfrey ticket win this popular vote this November? Maybe. Poll takers unite to discover this answer. Imagine having Stewart/Winfrey win popular vote over any Republican or Democratic party nominee. Might not win this election, but 2028 looks promising. This sure would be fun “Détente 2.0” endeavor to undertake.

Nothing to lose by fundraising during an annual Guinness world record setting event. Role play within the Peace Pentagon. Each MEGAvoter selects a planning, budget, media, distribution, or membership role within the Detente 2.0 campaign. Form your own “5-Seller: 25-Buyer” POC (patron organizing communities) network of Détente 2.0 campaign workers.

Certainly, only a moral victory will be won by any 2024 election success (single elector vote). However, the incoming President could become an instant “lame-duck” candidate pending the outcome 2028 U.S. Presidential race. Why “lame-duck” you ask? Ponder this.

How many MEGAvoters will gather on the National Lawn in Washington, DC next August (2025) for world peace? Let’s find out. @Peace 2025 will hopefully be hosted by St. Mary’s County Chamber of Commerce, Maryland. Subsequently, each August @Peace event moves closer to 2028. Setting annual Guinness world record will tell us about our Détente 2.0 progress.

Voterspending thrives or dies. Voters spending to earn 7% cash back made simple to understand. Support @Peace. Weekly LAUGH events held through August 2028, how many MEGAvoters are there in 2028? Consensus is reached with 51% of 161 million U.S. voters nationally.

MEGAvoters become the birthplace of a third-party platform for both Republicans and Democrats who want a different choice. A vibrant and energetic change to member capitalism. Regardless of 2024 election outcome, “lame-duck” President is explained. A viral grassroots political campaign begins.

Détente 2.0 fundraising is reborn as a global peace movement. So, let’s first run a voter registration program. Let’s determine the Top 100 POC (30-member) teams of vote getters. Campaign Captains (500) are selected for Détente 2.0 roles that are annual chairs for our top “vote getting” teams. Each Peace Pentagon sector is represented equally by members from these entitled (winning) Top 100

Campaign Captains (500): (5)-Sector Representatives from each Top 100 POC teams

There are (10) POC Postmaster General roles that have exclusive access to the YAM based Member Treasury. Rewards and incentives (YAM) are distributed and redeemed through these individual (10) POC payment gateway with repository roles. Member Treasury deposits are made monthly, while 10% is returned in YAM based rewards and incentives that are issued the following day. PayPal/Venmo services are employed for convenience. This is simply “personal spending” shared with others, not banks. #Voterspending personified.

YAM Trading vouchers provide for an ability for a seller to send, and a buyer to receive products and services. “YAM-is-On” Trading vouchers allow for the transfer of $10 profit into YAM Member Treasury. This creates political capital, or a community currency, that can be appropriately allocated between buying club members. Payment upon delivery ensures that the exchanges between members are settled by YAM voucher scan. Profit made. “YAM-is-On” delivery service established.

Campaign Captains (500) submit pledges and obligations on the last day of the month to their assigned (1 of 10) Postmaster General(s). Monthly global MEGAvoter campaign pledges and obligations are submitted by the remaining 14,490 (10 Postmaster Generals plus 500 Campaign Captains are excluded) taken out of 15,000 possible Patron processors. These processor roles and responsibilities have annual term limits.

There are a maximum of 15,000 Patron payment processing gateways, or roles, worldwide. This expands as Patrons later receive their MEGAvoter brand name hat. This current 15,000 Patron payment processor number is further expanded by the production and delivery of MEGAvoter hats from Vietnam.

There are no future limits to the number of people gaining access to the Member Treasury through patronage. Though it is impossible to exceed the world population. The core bottleneck will be the production and delivery of hats. Patron stakeholder pledges are backorders with pending Patron rights status maintained in real-time. Time period delays or adjustments are expected based upon consumer demand and fulfillment issues.

Each entitled (by receiving hat) Patron fulfill a payment processing role within each Peace Patron sector. Color designates sector in all LAUGH activities. Primary focus of Détente 2.0 is the voter registration “side-hustle” that allows each poll taker to earn either $2 or $10 a year in residual income for each member (Leader or Patron for peace) enrolled. Distribution of Patron stakeholder rights and benefits will be expedited as quickly as possible pending hat delivery.

“Group Hug Party” Leaders Annual United Group Hug (LAUGH)

Your Voice, Your Choice voting rights platform opens MEGAvoter registration. This third-party political fundraising organization returns 7% cash back to secure voters and consumers. Poll takers are sought to spread the word. Explaining how money works, reimagined.

Poll takers qualify by attending one weekly LAUGH event exercise, enjoy “Rock, Paper, Scissors” contest, and sing, “Let There be Peace on Earth” at the end of one meeting. LAUGH event participants earn their annual $12 admission to the Guinness world record event held each August. The $12 annual pledge can be funded prior to the annual Détente 2.0 Guinness world record setting date by attending a single certified LAUGH event.

K.I.S.S. (Keep It Silly Simple) Meeting

A KISS approach to understanding money is to demonstrate how to capture consumer spending. For every dollar spent provide a 7% cash back incentive to the buyer, and a 3% incentive to the processor. The remaining 90% can be then used to cover costs and profits. MEGAvoters purchase one of three different memberships that belong to this unique “buyer’s club”. Buyer ($12), seller ($365), or both ($377) are the options.

For $1 a month ($12 annually) you can shop for products and services that support Détente 2.0 world peace initiatives. Along with the 7% cash back, you receive 50% ($5) of a $10 profit using the “YAM-isOn” delivery system. The only requirement is that you take MEGAvoter survey and participate in one weekly LAUGH event per year. You are not involved in the selling or distribution of goods and services. However, can take advantage of the poll taker referral program.

Patron membership provides for stakeholder rights and benefits. For $1 a day ($365 annually), you share in the responsibilities of building a global fundraising enterprise that provides goods and services that promote world peace initiatives, Détente 2.0. You become a payment processor for others to experience the marvel of creating a private cooperative currency (YAM).

Patrons engage in weekly LAUGH events. Patrons allocate resources under a specific sector of the Peace Pentagon. Patrons are a recognized stakeholder in the Make Everyone Great Again (MEGA) political fundraising organization. More importantly, Patrons are the epi-center of a voting rights platform that ensures #Voterspending thrives for generations to come. Political capital juggernaut.

Social Media Frenzy

Cooperative currency, a word that few of us understand. I can try to explain it in a thousand words and never get close to showing you how it works. You earn cookie crumbs from dough. Funny thing is… you can easily do it with YAM Trading vouchers carrying a 7% cash back incentive, #Voterspending.

Ever been shopping and found something that was a great deal? You and your friends can certainly sell it for a $10 profit. Wow! share any great deal with everyone. You can “buy group products” in any retail store and deliver for individual and group profit made instantly. This is cooperative currency. “Buy cheap, sell fast” mindset for making money. FBA Amazon business at your fingertips. Wearing a MEGA hat, people applaud. @Peace social capital momentum happening. Social Influencer Rewards (SIR) or bonuses accrue with deliveries.

You are about to experience this as a delivery service using your smartphone. Anytime you find something you can sell for a $10 profit, deliver it by FBA Amazon business account. Scan “YAM-is-On” profit is always split the same way. This profit is to become known as a private cooperative currency because it attaches NIL (name, image, likeness) value to each @NamasteChristian who supports Détente 2.0 world peace through #Voterspending. @PracticeFAITH media tag goes viral.

YAM Trading vouchers provide “proof of delivery” status to all transactions. Pentagon Peace sectors (5) earning the Dente 2.0 support. The Peace Pentagon is a “Cookie Jar” economy. The more dough you put in, the more cookies you receive… tracking everything, crumbs everywhere.

Planning, budget, media, distribution, and membership inside a single blockchain carries great value. Working in micro and nano pennies changes everything you have come to know about money “100 satoshi” at-a-time. Member Treasury of Bounty for Inspirational Services (BIS 2.0) scheduled to open May, 2030 as a “genesis seed” to a re-invoicing center for a 10-year renewable currency.

Political capital formation begins with setting the Guinness world record for largest @Peace LAUGH event for Détente 2.0 world peace initiatives. “YAM-is-On” delivery system unfolds. #Voterspending put to work nominating Jon Stewart for President, 2024. People’s choice for non-electoral college win in November made possible through Strikeforce Five commission for third-party alternate. Social (NIL) capitalists for a better tomorrow.

MEGAvoters are Member Capitalists, look inside the MEGAvoter Patron hat for assurances. Utilizing social capital or influence to capture consumer spending by increasing @PracticeFAITH followers. Taking control of the global economy by providing disaster relief to nations enduring war, and those suffering from the devastation of natural disasters. Patrons and leaders for peace, Détente 2.0.

Do you know “how money works”? You can answer “Yes” Social Influencer Rewards (SIR) meaning “Your Assets Move” (YAM)

People’s Choice

Make Everyone Great Again (MEGA) is a voting rights platform, called MEGAvoter. Your Voice, Your Choice means that you can determine how money works. Can there be government money and community money at the same time? Can we as citizens choose to pay our taxes with government money, and make consumer purchases with community money? Is it legal to use something other than government money? The short answer to all of these questions is “Yes”. There are no laws forcing us to earn or spend any specific type of money. We do however have to report the government monetary value of any income or gifts that we receive

Earnings statements issued on IRS 1099-PATR and 1099-K forms annually.

Patron Hat hang tag image